Joint FPTI/CQM Workshop upcoming at end of May
The workshop, New Insights into Quantum Materials: Scattering, Other Probes, and Theory, is scheduled for May 21-23.
Greven group obtains ICP-OES for atomic species measurement
The Greven group has recently obtained an inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer for elemental analysis of samples
CQM work on Strontium Titanate appears as a DOE BES highlight (September 2023)
CQM researchers explore how plastic deformation creates defects that organize to influence the superconducting and ferroelectric properties of electron-doped strontium titanate through x-ray diffuse scattering performed at Argonne National Laboratory and diffuse neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Solomon Michalak joins the Greven group (August 2023)
Solomon Michalak joins the Greven group as a graduate student.
Sudarshan Sharma joins the Greven group (July 2023)
Sudarshan Sharma joins the group as a post-doc. We welcome him to the group!
Former undergraduate researchers begin graduate studies (September 2022)
Sylvia Griffitt and Jack Zwettler begin graduate programs at Cornell and UIUC, respectively.
Xing He joins the Greven group (August 2022)
Xing He joins the Greven group as a post-doc. We welcome him to the group!
CQM work on strontium titanate appears as an APS highlight (August 2022)
CQM researchers explore how plastic deformation affects the superconducting nature of electron-doped strontium titanate, through x-ray diffuse scattering performed at Argonne National Laboratory and diffuse neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
DOE BES renews CQM grant (Aug 2022)
The Department of Energy renews CQM Basic Energy Sciences grant.
Sajna Hameed receives NSSA Prize (June 2022)
Sajna Hameed (PhD 2021), now a postdoc at the MPI, Stuttgart, Germany, was recently selected as a recipient of the biennial Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA) Prize for Outstanding Student Research.
James Payne joins the Greven Group
James Payne joins the greven group as a graduate student.
Bhaskar Das joins Seagate
Bhaskar Das, a former postdoc at the Center for Quantum Materials, joins Seagate.
Vipul Chaturvedi takes position at Intel
Vipul Chaturvedi, a former graduate student at the Center for Quantum Materials, takes an engineering position at Intel.
Sajna Hameed moves to the Max Planck Institute
Sajna Hameed moves to a post-doc position at the Max Planck Institute of Solid State Physics
How to improve a crystal by destroying it (nearly) (Oct. 2021)
Nature Portfolio highlights CQM group research on Enhanced superconductivity and ferroelectric quantum criticality in plastically deformed strontium titanate.
Enhanced superconductivity and ferroelectric quantum criticality in plastically deformed strontium titanate (Oct. 2021)
A ground-breaking CQM-led study demonstrates profound effects on superconductivity and ferroelectricity in strontium titanate.
Dr. Ethan Ritz joins Prof. Turan Birol's group as a post-doc. Welcome! (Sept. 2021)
Dr. Ethan Ritz joins Prof. Turan Birol's group as a post-doc under the CQM.
Sajna Hameed joins the CQM as a postdoc (Aug. 2020)
Sajna Hameed joins the Greven group as a postdoc after receiving her PhD.
Sajna Hameed obtained her PhD. Congratulations, Sajna! (July 2021)
CQM Phd student Sajna Hameed (Greven group) has successfully defended her Phd thesis in July 2021. She is now a postdoc at the CQM.
Professor Bharat Jalan receives prestigious American Vacuum Society award! (July 2021)
CQM Professor Bharat Jalan receives prestigious American Vacuum Society award! Congratulations!
Tatha Basu leaves CQM for a faculty position at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT) in India (June 2021)
Tatha Basu leaves CQM for a faculty position at the Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT) in India.
CQM Workshop (June 2021)
Our virtual workshop on Quantum Materials: New Insights from Neutron Scattering was held on June 9-10.
Liam Thompson graduated with a B.S. in physics. Congratulations, Liam! (May 2021)
Leighton group's research is highlighted in APS Science Highlights (May 2021)
Research on "A Strain-Induced Charge Carrier-Type Crossover in a Complex Oxide" in Prof.
Graduate student Dayu Zhai joins the CQM. Welcome! (Dec. 2020)
Physics graduate student Dayu Zhai started work in the Greven group. Welcome Dayu!
Bryan Voigt, a partially-CQM-supported graduate student successfully defended his PhD on October 30th. Congratulations Bryan! (Oct. 2020)
Bryan Voigt, a partially-CQM-supported graduate student successfully defended his PhD on October 30th.
Graduate students Samuel Bayliff and Issam Khayr join the CQM. Welcome! (Oct. 2020)
Graduate students Samuel Bayliff and Issam Khayr join the CQM. Welcome!
Joseph Joe graduated with a Physics MS (Sept. 2020)
CQM student Joseph Joe (Greven group) graduated with a physics MS.
Tathamay (Tatha) Basu joins the CQM as a postdoc (Aug. 2020)
Following research appointments in Europe and Michigan State University, Tatha joined the CQM in August, 2020. Welcome!
Damjan Pelc joins physics faculty at the University of Zagreb, Croatia (Aug. 2020)
After nearly three years with the CQM, postdoc Damjan Pelc returned to this native Zagreb for a faculty position.
Two CQM faculty deliver invited talks at a MISPOCHE 2020 workshop (Aug. 2020)
CQM faculty Chris Leighton and Martin Greven presented at a July 20-23 SrTiO3-focused workshop in the MISPOCHE (Microscopics of Superconductivity in Perovskite Oxides: Challenges, Hurdles and Enigmas)
Turan Birol delivers invited talk at 2020 Molecular Magnetism in North America Conference (Mar. 2020)
CQM faculty member Turan Birol delivered an invited talk at the 2020 Molecular Magnetism in North American Conference held at St. Simons Islands, GA.
Chris Leighton Elected Fellow of the Neutron Scattering Society of America (Feb. 2020)
CQM faculty member Chris Leighton was recently announced as one of the 2020 Fellows of the Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA).
Jin Yue receives Ovshinsky travel award to present at 2020 APS March Meeting (Feb. 2020)
CQM graduate student Jin Yue (Jalan group) has been selected to receive the Ovshinsky travel award by the APS DMP to present at the APS March Meeting.
Chris Leighton to give invited talk at 2020 American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS) (Jan. 2020)
CQM faculty member Chris Leighton will give an invited talk at the 2020 American Conference on Neutron Scattering at Boulder, Colorado.
Biqiong Yu obtained her PhD. Congratulations, Biqiong! (Jan. 2020)
CQM PhD student Biqiong Yu (Greven group) has successfully defended her PhD thesis in December 2019. She now works for Analog Devices, Inc. in Massachusetts.
Nikolaos Biniskos joins the scientific staff at JCNS-MLZ (Dec. 2019)
Nikolaos Biniskos joins the scientific staff at JCNS-MLZ.
Chris Leighton elected fellow of the IEEE (Dec. 2019)
CQM faculty member Chris Leighton has been named a Fellow in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his "contributions tothe understanding of magnetic oxides, interfaces, and nanostructures."
Bharat Jalan receives prestigious PECASE award (Aug. 2019)
CQM faculty member Bharat Jalan is awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).
DOE renews CQM award by three years, to 2022 (Aug. 2019)
Damjan Pelc gives an invited talk at the 2019 APS March Meeting (Mar. 2019)
Postdoc Damjan Pelc gave an invited talk entitled "Universal superconducting precursor in perovskite-based oxides" at the 2019 APS March Meeting.
Vipul Chaturvedi receives travel award to present at the 2019 APS March Meeting (Mar. 2019)
Graduate student Vipul Chaturvedi recieved travel awards from both APS DMP and GMAG to present at the 2019 APS March Meeting.
Eric McCalla joins faculty at McGill University Department of Chemistry (May 2018)
Postdoc Eric McCalla left for a faculty position in the highly-ranked Department of Chemistry at McGill University.
Laxman Thoutam receives poster award at International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (May. 2018)
Postdoc Laxman R. Thoutam received the best poster award at the 2017 International Workshop on Oxide Electronics in Chicago based on his work on the localization of carriers in NdTiO3/SrTiO3.
Vikram Nagarajan goes to UC Berkeley for graduate school (May 2018)
Former undergraduate research student Vikram Nagarajan (mentored by Martin Greven) started graduate school at UC Berkeley, shere he is continuing research on quantum materials in the group of James Analytis.
Workshop on Correlated Electron Systems - Novel Developments (May 2018)
The CQM and the Fine Theoretical Physics Institute held a joint workshop on correlated electron systems May 16 - 19 2018.
Martin Greven named a Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Fellow of the Neutron Scattering Society of America (May 2018)
Martin Greven was named a Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Fellow of the Neutron Scattering Society of America.
Biqiong Yu wins UMN Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (May 2018)
Biqiong Yu won a highly competitive UMN Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for her synchrotron X-ray work.
Thais Trevisan completes exchange PhD program (May 2018)
Exchange PhD student Thais Trevisan, from the State University of Campinas, Brazil, successfully completed her one-year exchange program and was the first author of two papers submitted for publication.
Nina Bielinski and Nikhil Gupta win undergraduate research awards (May 2018)
Undergraduate research students Nina Bielinski and Nikhil Gupta won competitive research awards by the School of Physics and Astronomy in support of their research on superconducting cuprates.
CQM highlighted in annual report by UMN's Vice President of Research (Feb. 2018)
See the annual report here.
CQM highlighted in Inquiry (Dec. 2017)
The CQM was highlighted in an article in Inquiry, the blog of the UMN Office of the VP for Research.
Damjan Pelc joins CQM as a new postdoc in experiment (Oct. 2017)
Marria Navarro Gastiasoro joins CQM as a new postdoc in theory (Jan. 2017)
Laxman Thoutam joins CQM as a new postdoc in experiment (Oct. 2016)
New Center for Quantum Materials funded by the Department of Energy (Oct. 2016)
The University of Minnesota announced today that it will receive $2.6 million over the next three years from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences.
Funded by the Department of Energy under DE-SC0016371