The Center for Quantum Materials has access to the computational facilities provided by the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI), which is the University of Minnesota's principle center for computational research. MSI has an IT raised floor surface of approximately 3700 sq.ft. and slightly over 1 MW of available power. It operates two main supercomputing systems:
* Mesabi, an HP heterogeneous Linux cluster with over 18,000 Haswell compute cores
* Itasca, an HP Linux cluster with 1,134 HP ProLiant blade servers.
In addition to the supercomputing systems, MSI supports interfaces and systems for advanced scientific visualization and interactive computing. MSI manages two large storage systems: a high performance parallel files system (6 PB), and a CEPH/S3 tier 2 object storage system. The data center is connected to the 100 Gbps campus research network via multiple 40 GbE connections. The University maintains 100 Gbps connections to our regional optical network, which in turn is connected to Internet2 and beyond.
The Itasca computer cluster
Funded by the Department of Energy under DE-SC0016371