Unconventional Thin Film Superconductors

PAN 110
Kyle Shen (Cornell University)
Unconventional and high-temperature superconductivity present some of the foremost scientific challenges and technological opportunities in modern condensed matter physics. One of the primary challenges in this field is how to precisely manipulate the physical properties of such superconductors, such as the transition temperature. Here, we employ a combination of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) to manipulate epitaxial thin films of unconventional and high temperature superconductors. I will describe some of work employing interfacial engineering of high-temperature superconducting pairing fluctuations in heterostructures of monolayer FeSe grown on SrTiO3, as well as investigations of the putative charge density wave ordering in thin films of the epitaxially stabilized infinite layer nickelate superconductor NdNiO2.