Tunable Magnetism in Itinerant Materials

Andrew May, ORNL, Wed, May 18, 2022, 1:25pm – 2:25pm

This seminar will explore the complex magnetism found in a few different material families, with a common thread being that all are electrically conductive. The magnetism is not necessarily itinerant in nature, though the existence of a Fermi surface is clearly paramount. For instance, we will explore centrosymmetric materials where frustrated electron-mediated (RKKY) interactions may stabilize skyrmions. We will also discuss many interesting findings in van der Waals systems with an emphasis on phases composed of Fe-Ge-Te. While such materials were rightfully recognized for their great potential to drive exfoliation-based studies forward, current research on bulk crystals continues to reveal complex physical behaviors. These complementary studies emphasize how materials are rarely as simple as they first appear, which can be a treat and a torment.
