How many magnetic-field induced phase transitions in α−RuCl3?

PAN 120
Liang Wu, University of Pennsylvania
Spin-1/2 moments in the antiferromagnetic Mott insulator α-RuCl3 are coupled by strongly anisotropic bond-dependent exchange interactions on a honeycomb lattice. Intense study of α- RuCl3 has been driven by the proposal that its low energy excitations may be adiabatically connected to the Majorana quasiparticles that emerge in the exact solution of the Kitaev spin liquid model. In my talk, I will present optical absorption measurements using terahertz spectroscopy and reveal several new features of the low-energy spectrum that evolves with a magnetic field. We find a few sharp absorption peaks upon cooling below the Neel temperature and shifts to lower frequency below 7 Tesla as long-range magnetic order is lost in a manner consistent with transitioning to a spin- disordered phase. I will also discuss how many magnetic-field induced phase transition in this system in various geometries with polarized THz light up to 17.5 T to address the nature of the spin-disordered phase.