Magnetic correlations in the vicinity of the superconducting state in CrAs and MnP

PAN 110
Masaaki Matsuda, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
CrAs and MnP exhibit superconductivity under pressure with a maximum transition temperature of ~2 K at 2 GPa and ~1 K at 8 GPa, respectively. Since Cr and Mn have the spin degree of freedom, elucidating the magnetic contribution to the superconductivity is crucial to understand the pairing mechanism. A helical structure is the magnetic ground state at ambient pressure in both materials. We performed neutron scattering studies in both materials under pressure. With applying pressure, the helicity and magnetic moment of the helical structure gradually change in CrAs [1], whereas MnP shows a more complicated phase diagram [2]. Most importantly, we found that both materials show helical structure in the vicinity of the superconducting phase, although the directions of the propagation vectors are different. We also studied the chemical pressure effect on static and dynamic magnetic properties in CrAs [1]. The results suggest a coupling between the magnetism and the superconductivity.

[1] M. Matsuda et al., submitted to PRX.

[2] M. Matsuda et al., Phys. Rev. B 93, 100405(R) (2016).